Museum Collection | Staatliche Antikensammlungen, Munich |
Catalogue No. | Munich 3297 |
Beazley Archive No. | N/A |
Ware | Apulian Red Figure |
Shape | Krater, Volute |
Painter | Name vase of the Underworld Painter |
Date | ca. 330 - 310 B.C. |
Period | Late Classical / Early Hellenistic |
Detail of Hermes, Heracles, Cerberus and Hecate from a painting depicting Heracles' journey to the underworld.
Hermes wears a chamlys cloak and holds a herald's wand in his hand. Heracles wears a lion-skin cape and holds a club in one hand and the chain securing Cerberus in the other. Hecate is dressed as a huntress with a short skirt and boots and the skin of a panther draped over her arm. She brandishes a pair of flaming torches. Cerberus appears as a three-headed hound with a coiling serpent for a tail.

Detail of Heracles, Cerberus and Hecate.