The Nymphs (nymphai) were minor nature goddesses which populated the earth. Although they were ranked below the gods, they were still summoned to attend the assemblies of the gods on Olympus.
The Nymphs presided over various natural phenomena--from springs, to clouds, trees, caverns, meadows, and beaches. They were responsible for the care of the plants and animals of their domain and as such were closely associated with the Olympian gods of nature such as Hermes, Dionysus, Artemis, Poseidon and Demeter.
The male counterparts of the nymphs were the Satyrs, Panes, Potamoi and Tritons.
ANTHUSAE (Anthousai) Nymphs of flowers. They were probably the same as the Leimenides, a type of Oceanid.
AURAE (Aurai) The nymphs of the cooling breezes. They were daughters of the wind-god Boreas, or Okeanos, the earth-encircling fresh-water stream.
BACCHAE The Bacchic nymphs, companions of Dionysus. They were also known as Thyiades.
BUCOLAE (Boukolai) Bucolic or rustic nymphs. Another name for the Epimelides.
CRENAEAE (Krenaiai) Naiad nymphs of wells and fountains.
DRYADS (Dryades) The nymphs of trees and forests. Some of them had their life force bound to that of a specific tree, usually the loftiest in a forest, or one in a sacred grove of the gods. Dryads of mountain pines were known as Oreads, those of ash-trees were called Meliae, Hamadryads were of the oaks, and Meliades of fruit-trees.
EPIMELIDES (or Epimeliades) Nymphs of highland pasture, the protectresses of sheep-flocks. They were perhaps numbered amongst the Oceanids.
HALIAE (Haliai) Nymphs of the sea, the sands, and the rocky shores. They had the schools of fish, and other sea creatures in their keeping. The most famous of them were the fifty Nereids.
HAMADRYADS (Hamadryad) Oak-tree Dryads whose life force was bound to that of a particular tree.
HELEIONOMAE (Heleionomai) Naiad nymphs of fresh-water marshes and wetlands.
LAMPADES Torch-bearing nymphs of the underworld. They probably belonged to the train of the goddesses of the Eleusinian Mysteries, Persephone and Hecate.
LEIMENIDES Nymphs of the water-meadows--pastures thick with lush grass and flowers. They were probably a type of Oceanid nymph.
LIMNATIDES Naiad nymphs of lakes.
MAENADS (Mainades) The frenzied nymphs of the train of Dionysus. Another name for Thyiads.
MELIADES Another name for Epimelides.
MELIAE (Meliai) Nymphs of honey, bees and honeydew (manna). They were also Dryads of the mountain ash.
MELISSAE (Melissai) Honey nymphs, another name for the Meliae.
NAIADS (Naiades) Nymphs of the sources of fresh-water: springs, fountains, streams, rivers, and lakes. They were usually called daughters of Okeanos and the River-Gods.
NEPHELAE (Nephelai) Nymphs of the clouds. They were usually numbered amongst the Oceanids.
NEREIDS (Nereides) Fifty Haliad sea-nymphs.
NYMPHS (Nymphai) Minor goddesses or spirits (daimonaissai) of nature. Many of the classes overlapped: for example, the Dryad nymph of a tree growing by a spring was also often the Naiad of the fountain.
OCEANIDS (Okeanides) Nymphs who presided over the sources of fresh water--both earthly, the streams and fountains, and heavenly, moist breezes and rain-clouds. They were daughers of Oceanus--the earth-encircling, fresh-water stream--and sisters of the River-Gods.
OREADS (Oreiades) Nymphs of the mountains. They were Dryad nymphs, whose life force was closely tied to that of a lofty mountain pine or fir.
PEGAEAE (Pegaiai) Naiad nymphs of springs.
POTAMEIDES Nymphs of the rivers. They were a type of Naiad.
THYIADS (Thyiades) Wild, orgiastic nymphs of the train of the god Dionysus. They were also known as Maenads, Bacchae and Bacchantes. The Thyiad troupe consisted of a mixture of Dryad and Naiad nymphs.

ABA The Naiad nymph of the town of Ergisce in Ciconia, Thrace (north of Greece). She was loved by the god Poseidon.
ABARBAREE A Naiad nymph of the River Aesepus in the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was loved by the Trojan prince Bucolion.
ACASTE (Akaste) One of the Oceanid nymphs.
ACHEIA (Akheia) One of the Hyperborean nymphs, handmaidens of the goddess Artemis from the mythical Northern land of Hyperborea. She was usually named Hecaerge.
ACHELOIDES (Akheloides) Naiads of the River Achelous in Aetolia, central Greece.
ACRAEA (Akraia) One of the three Asterionides, nymphs of the River Asterion in Argos, the Peloponnesos, southern Greece. She was a nurse of the goddess Hera.
ACTAEA (Aktaie) One of the fifty Nereids.
ADMETE One of the Oceanid nymphs.
ADRASTEIA One of the nymphs of Mount Ida on the island of Crete in the Greek Aegean. She a nurse of the god Zeus.
AEA (Aia) The Naiad nymph of the town of Aea (or Colchis) near the Caucasus Mountains on the Black Sea. She was loved the river-god Phasis.
"AEAEAEN" NYMPHS (Nymphai Aiaiai) Naiads and Dryads of the mythical island of Aeaea. They were handmaidens of the goddess Circe.
"AEGAEIDES" (Aigaiides) Naiads of the River Aegaeus of the mythical island of the Phaeacians. The island was sometimes identified with Greek Corcyra.
AEGEIROS (Aigeiros) One of the eight Hamadryad nymphs. Her tree was the black poplar.
AEGINA (Aigina) The Naiad nymph of the main town of the island of Aegina Island, southern Greece. She was abducted from her father's mainland stream by Zeus in the shape of an eagle.
AEGLE (1) (Aigle) The nymph mother of the Charites by the sun-god Helius. She was probably one of the Oceanids.
AEGLE (2) (Aigle) One of the Heliad nymphs who were transformed into amber-weeping poplar trees.
AESEPIDES (Aisepides) Naiads of the River Aisepos in the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey).
AETHERIE One of the Heliad nymphs who were transformed into amber-weeping poplar trees.
AETHRA (Aithre) The Oceanid nymph wife of the Titan Atlas. She was usually named Pleione.
AETHUSA (Aithousa) A nymph daughter of Poseidon and the Pleaid Alcyone.
AEX (1) (Aix) The nymph wife of the god Pan. She was also seduced by Zeus.
AEX (2) (Aix) One of the nymphs of Mount Ida on the island of Crete in the Greek Aegean. She was a nurse of the god Zeus. Aix was usually called Amaltheia and described as a goat.
AGANIPPE The Naiad nymph of the spring of Aganippe on Mount Helicon in Boeotia, central Greece. Her waters were sacred to the Muses.
AGAVE (Agaue) One of the fifty Nereids.
ALCE (Alke) A Naiad nymph of the River Sangarius in Phrygia, Anatolia (modern Turkey).
ALCINOE (Alkinoe) A Naiad nymph of Mount Lycaeus in Arcadia, the Peloponnese, central Greece. She was one of nine Arcadian nurses of the god Zeus.
ALCIPPE (Alkippe) One of the nymphs known as Alcyonides.
ALCYONE (Alkyone) The Pleiad nymph of Boeotia, central Greece. She was loved by the god Poseidon.
ALCYONIDES (Alkyonides) Seven nymphs of the Thracian Chersonese (modern north Greece). They were daughters of the Gigante Alcyoneus who were transformed by the gods into kingfishers.
ALEXIRHOE A Naiad nymph of the springs of the River Grenicus on Mount Ida in the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was loved by King Priam of Troy.
ALTHAEA (Althaia) One of the nymphs of Mount Ida on the island of Crete in the Greek Aegean. She a nurse of the god Zeus. Althaea was usually named Amaltheia and described as a goat.
AMALTHEIA One of the nymphs of Mount Ida on the island of Crete in the Greek Aegean. She a nurse of the god Zeus. Amaltheia was usually described as the milk-providing goat of the nurses, rather than a nymph herself.
AMATHEIA One of the fifty Nereids.
AMBROSIA (1) One of the Nysiades, nymphs of the mythical Mount Nysa. She was a nurse and one of the first Bacchantes of the god Dionysus.
AMBROSIA (2) One of the five star nymphs of the constellation Hyades. She was a nurse of the god Dionysus.
AMNISIADES Naiads of the River Amnisus on the island of Crete in the Greek Aegean. They were attendants of the goddess Artemis.
AMPELOS One of the eight Hamadryad nymphs. Her plant was wild vine.
AMPHINOME One of the fifty Nereids.
AMPHIRO One of the Oceanid nymphs.
AMPHITHOE One of the fifty Nereids.
AMPHITRITE One of the Nereids or Oceanids. She was the goddess-queen of the sea.
AMYMONE One of the Danaids and also the Naiad nymph of the spring of Amymone at Lerna in Argolis, southern Greece. She was loved by the god Poseidon.
ANCHINOE (Ankhinoe) A Naiad nymph of the River Nile in Egypt. She was the wife of the Egyptian King Belus.
ANCHIROE (1) (Ankhiroe) The Naiad nymph of the town of Megalopolis in Arcadia, southern Greece.
ANCHIROE (2) (Ankhiroe) The Naiad nymph of the Psylli tribe of Libya in North Africa. She was the wife of the tribe's first king Psyllus.
ANCHIROE (3) (Anchiroe) One of the Naiads of the River Erasinus in Argolis in the Peloponnese. She was an attendant of the goddess Britomartis.

ANIGRIDES Naiads of the river Anigrus in Elis, in the Peloponnese, southern Greece. Their springs were believed to cure skin diseases.
ANIPPE A Naiad nymph of the River Nile in Egypt. She was loved by the god Poseidon.
ANTHE One of the nymphs Alcyonides. She was the eponymous nymph of the town of Anthemos in the Thracian Chersonese (north of Greece).
ANTHEDON The Naiad nymph of the town of Anthedon in Boeotia, central Greece.
ANTHRACIA (Anthrakia) One of the nymphs of Mount Lycaeus in Arcadia, southern Greece, who nursed the god Zeus. She was probably an Oread nymph.
ANTIOPE A Naiad nymph of Mount Cithaeron or the town of Thebes in Boeotia, central Greece. She was loved by the god Zeus.
APSEUDES One of the fifty Nereids.
ARETHUSA (Arethousa) The Naiad nymph of a spring of the town of Syracuse in Sicily) southern Italy. She was loved by the River-God Alpheus who pursued her from her homeland in Greek Arcadia under the sea to the island of Sicily.
ARGE One of the Hyperborean nymphs, handmaidens of the goddess Artemis, from the mythical northern land of Hyperborea. She was usually named Hecaerge.
ARGIA An Oceanid and Naiad nymph of Argos, in southern Greece, who was the wife of the river-god Inachus. She was usually named Melia.
"ARGIA" NAIAD An unnamed Naiad nymph of Mycenae in Argolis, southern Greece. She was the wife of the Argive prince Thyestes.
ARGIOPE (1) A Naiad nymph of Mount Parnassus in Phocis, central Greece and later of Pieria in Macedonia, northern Greece. She was loved by the bard Philammon.
ARGIOPE (2) The Naiad nymph of the town of Eleusis in Attica, southern Greece. She was the wife of the Eleusinian prince Branchus.
ARGYRA A Halias or Naiad nymph of the town of Argyra in Achaea, southern Greece. She was loved by the hero Selemnus.
ARSINOE One of the Nysiades, nymphs of the mythical Mount Nysa. She was a nurse and one of the first Bacchantes of the god Dionysus.
"ARTEMISIAN" OCEANIDS (Artemisiai Okeanides) Sixty young Oceanids in the retinue of the goddess Artemis.
ASIA (Asie) The Oceanid nymph of the Anatolian peninsular (modern Turkey) or the western half thereof. She was the wife of the Titan Iapetus or his son Prometheus.
ASCRA (Askre) The Naiad nymph of the town of Ascra in Boeotia. She was loved by the god Poseidon.
ASOPIDES Twelve or twenty Naiads of the River Asopos in Sicyonia and Boeotia, central and southern Greece. They were all abducted by gods.
ASOPIS The Naiad nymph of the town of Asopis.
"ASTACIDES" (Astakides) Naiads of Lake Astacus in Bithynia, Anatolia (modern Turkey).
ASTERIA (1) One of the Alcyonides, nymphs of the Thracian Chersonese (north of Greece).
ASTERA (2) A Star nymph daughter of the sun-god Helius. She was usually named Astris.
"ASTERIONIDES Three Naiads of the River Asterion in Argolis in the Peloponnese, southern Greece. They were nurses of the goddess Hera.
ASTERODEIA The Naiad nymph of a stream in the Caucasus Mountains near the Black Sea. She was loved by the Colchian king Aeetes.
ASTEROPE (1) A Naiad nymph of the river Cebren in the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was loved by prince Aesacus of Troy.
ASTEROPE (2) The Oceanid and Naiad nymph of the town of Acragas in Sicily, southern Italy. She was loved by the god Zeus.
ASTRIS A star nymph daughter of the sun-god Helius. She was the wife of the Indian River-God Hydaspes.
ASTYOCHE (Astyokhe) A Naiad nymph of the town of Troy in the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was the wife of the Trojan King Erichthonius.
ATLANTEIA A HamaDryad nymph of Libya in North Africa. She was one of the many wives of King Danaus.
ATLANTIDES Nymph daughters of the Titan Atlas. They included the Pleiades, the Hyades, Maria and Calypso.
AUTOMATE The Naiad nymph of a spring in the town of Argos, southern Greece.
AUTONOE One of the fifty Nereids.

BALANOS One of the eight Hamadryad nymphs. Her tree was the evergreen oak.
BATEIA A Naiad nymph of the town of Sparta in Lacedaemonia, southern Greece. She was the wife of the Spartan King Oibalos.
BENTHESICYME (Benthesikyme) A Haliad nymph daughter of Poseidon. She was the wife of the Ethiopian king Enalus.
BEROE The Oceanid nymph of the town of Beruit in Phoenicia (modern Lebanon), west Asia. She was a wife of the god Poseidon.
BOLINA A Haliad or Naiad nymph of the town of Bolina in Achaea, southern Greece. She was loved by the god Apollo and leapt into the sea to escape his pursuit.
BROMIA (Bromie) One of the Nysiades, nymphs of the mythical Mount Nysa. She was a nurse and one of the first Bacchantes of the god Dionysus.
BYBLIS The Naiad or Hamadryad nymph of the springs of the town of Byblis in Caria, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was born a mortal princess who was transformed into a spring by the Carian Naiads.
BYZE One of the Naiads of the River Erasinus in Argolis in the Peloponnese. She was an attendant of the goddess Britomartis.
CABEIRIDES (Kabeirides) Nymphs of the Mysteries of the island of Samothrace in the Greek Aegean.
CABEIRO (Kabeiro) A Haliad nymph of the island of Lemnos in the north Aegean. She was loved by the god Hephaestus.
CALIADNE (Kaliadne) A Naiad nymph of the River Nile in Egypt. She was one of the many wives of the Egyptian king Aegyptus.
CALLIANASSA (Kallianassa) One of the fifty Nereids.
CALLIANEIRA (Kallianeira) One of the fifty Nereids.
CALLIGENEIA (Kalligeneia) A nymph of Eleusis in Attica, southern Greece. She was the nurse of the goddess Demeter and her daughter Persepone.
CALLIPHAEIA (Kalliphaeia) One of the Ionides, Naiads of the healing springs of the River Cyterus in Elis in the Peloponnese.
CALLIRHOE (1) (Kallirhoe) An Oceanid nymph of Erythea, a mythical island in the Atlantic Ocean or kingdom of southern Iberia (modern Spain). She was the wife of the king or giant Chrysaor.
CALLIRHOE (2) (Kallirhoe) A Naiad nymph of Acarnania in central Greece. She was the wife of the hero Alcmaeon and was also loved by Zeus.
CALLIRHOE (3) (Kallirhoe) A Naiad nymph of the town of Troy in the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was the wife of the eponymous king Tros.
CALLIRHOE (4) (Kallirhoe) A Naiad or Oceanid nymph of Egypt in North Africa. She was loved by the River-God Nile.
CALLISTE (Kalliste) The Haliad nymph of the island of Calliste in the Greek Aegean. She was given as a gift to the hero Euphemus by her father Triton.
CALLITHYIA (Kallithyia) A Naiad nymph of the River Inachus in Argolis, southern Greece who was the first priestess of Hera. She was usually named Io.
CALYBE (Kalybe) A rustic nymph of the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was loved King Laomedon of Troy.
CALYPSO (1) (Kalypso) The goddess-nymph of the mythical island of Ogygia. She loved the hero Odysseus who was marooned on her island.
CALYPSO (2) (Kalypso) One of the Oceanid nymphs.
CALYPSO (3) (Kalypso) One of the fifty Nereids.
CAMARINA (Kamarina) The Oceanid nymph of the town of Camarina in Sicily, southern Italy.
CAPHEIRA (Kapheira) An Oceanid nymph of the island of Rhodes in the Greek Aegean. She was the nurse of the god Poseidon.
"CARIAN" NAIADS (Naiades Kariai) Naiads of the region of Caria in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
CARMENTIS (Karmentis) A prophetic Arcadian Naiad nymph loved by Apollo. She emigrated with her son Evenus to Latium.
CARYA (Karya) One of the eight Hamadryad nymphs. Her plant was the nut-tree--hazel, walnut and chestnut.
CASSOTIS (Kassotis) The Naiad nymph of the sacred Castalian spring of the shrine of Delphi in Phocis, central Greece. She was usually named Castalia.
CASTALIA (Kastalia) The Naiad nymph of the sacred Castalian spring of the shrine of Delphi on Mount Parnassus in Phocis, central Greece.
"CEAN" NYMPHS (Nymphai Keiai) Naiads of the springs and wells of the island of Ceos in the Greek Aegean.
CELAENO (Kelaino) A Pleiad nymph of Boeotia, central Greece, who was loved by the god Poseidon.
CELUSA (Kelouse) A Naiad nymph of the region of Sicyonia in southern Greece. She was the mother by Poseidon of the lame River-God Asopus.
CEPHISIDES (Kephisides) Naiads of the River Cephisus in Boeotia, central Greece.
CERCEIS (Kerkeis) One of the Oceanid nymphs.
CETO (1) (Keto) An Oceanid Naiad nymph of India loved by the god Poseidon.
CETO (2) (Keto) One of the fifty Nereids.
CHALCIS (Khalkis) The Naiad nymph of the town of Chalcis in Euboea, central Greece. She was loved by the god Poseidon who abducted her to the island. She was usually named Euboea.
CHARICLO (1) (Khariklo) A nymph of Mount Pelion in Thessaly, northern Greece. She was the wife of the wise centaur Chiron.
CHARICLO (2) (Khariklo) A nymph of Thebes in Boeotia, central Greece. She was the wife of the Spartos Everes and a close friend of the goddess Athena who blinded her son Tiresias.
CHELONE (Khelone) A lazy Oread nymph of Mount Chelydorea in Arcadia, southern Greece. Hermes transformed her into a tortoise when she failed to turn up for the wedding of Zeus and Hera.
CHESIAS (Khesias) A Naiad nymph of the island of Samos in the Greek Aegean. She was loved by the River-God Imbrasis.
"CHIAN" NAIAD (1) (Naias Khias) The Naiad nymph of the main town of the island of Chios in the Greek Aegean. She was loved by the god Poseidon.
"CHIAN" NAIAD (2) (Naias Khias) The Naiad nymph of the towns of Agelos and Melas on the island of Chios in the Greek Aegean. She was loved by the god Poseidon.
CHIONE (1) (Khione) A snow-nymph of the region of Thrace, north of Greece. She was a daughter of wintry Boreas loved by the god Poseidon. She cast their infant into the sea to avoid discovery.
CHIONE (2) (Khione) A snow-nymph loved by the god Boreas.
CHIONE (3) (Khione) A Naiad nymph of the River Nile in Egypt. She was raped by a peasant and in grief cast snow down upon the desert.
CHLORIS (Khloris) An Oceanid nymph of the mythical Islands of the Blessed in the River Oceanus. She was the goddess of flowers and the wife of the west-wind Zephyrus.
CHRYSEIS (Khryseis) One of the Oceanid nymphs.
CHRYSOPELEIA (Khrysopeleia) A nymph of Arcadia, southern Greece. She was the wife of the eponymous king Arcas.
CISSEIS (Kisseis) One of the Nysiades, nymphs of the mythical Mount Nysa. She was a nurse and one of the first Bacchantes of the god Dionysus.
CLAEA (1) (Klaia) An Oread or Naiad nymph of Mount Calathium in Messenia, southern Greece.
CLAEA (2) (Klaia) One of the fifty Nereids.
CLEEIA (Kleeia) One of the five star-nymphs of the constellation Hyades.
CLEIDE (Kleide) One of the Naiads of Mount Drios on the island of Naxos in the Greek Aegean. She was a nurse of the god Dionysus.
CLEODORA (Kleodora) A Naiad nymph of Mount Parnassus in Phocis, central Greece, who was loved by the god Poseidon.
CLEOCHAREIA (Kleokhareia) A Naiad nymph of the River Eurotas in Lacedaemonia, southern Greece. She was loved by the earth-born king Lelex.
CLEOMEDE (Kleomede) A Naiad nymph of the main town of Paeonia (modern day Macedonia). She was the wife of the region's eponymous King Paeon.
CLEONE (Kleone) The Naiad nymph of the town of Cleonae in Argolis, southern Greece.
CLONIA (Klonie) The Naiad nymph of the town of Hyria in Boeotia, central Greece. She was the wife of King Hyrieus.
CLYMENE (1) (Klymene) The Oceanid wife of the Titan Iapetus. She was the mother of Prometheus and his Titan brothers. Clymene was the spirit personification of fame.
CLYMENE (2) (Klymene) An Oceanid nymph loved by the sun-god Helius.
CLYMENE (3) (Klymene) One of the fifty Nereids.
CLYTIA (Klytie) An Oceanid nymph loved by the sun-god Helius. She was transformed into a sun-gazing heiotrope flower when he abandoned her.
CNOSSIA (Knossia) A Naiad nymph of the town of Cnossus of the island of Crete in the Greek Aegean. She was loved by King Menelaus of Sparta.
COCYTHIAE (Kokythiai) Naiads of Hades and daughters of the underworld river Cocytus.
COMBE (Kombe) A nymph of the island of Euboea. She was the wife of the mother of the Euboean Corybantes by Socus.
CORCYRA (Korkyra) The Naiad nymph of the main town of the island of Corcyra in central-western Greece. She was abducted to the island by the god Poseidon.
CORONIDES (Koronides) Two nymphs of Thebes in Boeotia, central Greece, who were transformed into comets.
CORONIS (1) (Koronis) One of the five star nymphs of the constellation Hyades. She was a nurse of the god Dionysus.
CORONIS (2) (Koronis) One of the Nysiades, nymphs of the mythical Mount Nysa. She was a nurse and one of the first Bacchantes of the god Dionysus.
CORONIS (3) (Koronis) One of the Naiads of Mount Drios on the island of Naxos in the Greek Aegean. She was a nurse of the god Dionysus.
CORYCIA (Korykia) The Naiad nymph of the sacred Corycian cave at Delphi in Phocis, central Greece. She was loved by the god Apollo.
CORYCIAN NYMPHS (Nymphai Korykiai) Naiads of the sacred springs of the Corycian cave at Delphi, Phocis, central Greece.
CRANEIA (Kraneia) One of the eight Hamadryad nymphs. Her plant was the cherry tree.
CRANTO (Kranto) One of the fifty Nereids.
CRETHEIS (Kretheis) The Naiad nymph of the town of Smyrna in Lydia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was the mother of the poet Homer by the River Meles.
CREUSA (Kreousa) An Oceanid or Naiad nymph of Thessaly, northern Greece. She was the wife of the river-god Peneus.
CROCALE (Krokale) One of the Oceanids in the retinue of the goddess Artemis.
CYANE (Kyane) The Naiad nymph of a spring in the town of Syracuse in Sicily, southern Italy.
CYANEE (Kyanee) The Naiad nymph of the town of Miletus in Caria, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was the wife of Miletus, eponymous-king of the town.
"CYDNIDES" (Kydnides) Naiads of the River Cydnus in Cilicia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). They joined Dionysus in his war against the Indians.
CYLLENE (Kyllene) A Naiad or Oread nymph of Mount Cyllene in Arcadia, southern Greece. She was the wife of King Pelasgus.
CYMATOLEGE (Kymatolege) A Haliad nymph of the waves. She was probably the same as Cymopoleia or Cymo.
CYMO (Kymo) One of the fifty Nereids.
CYMODOCE (Kymodoke) One of the fifty Nereids.
CYMOPOLEIA (Kymopoleia) A Haliad nymph of the waves. She was a daughter or Poseidon and wife of the hundred-handed giant Briareus.
CYMOTHOE (Kymothoe) One of the fifty Nereids.
CYNOSURA (Kynosoura) One of the Idaean nymphs of Mount Ida on the island of Crete. She was a nurse of the god Zeus and originally named Adrasteia. She became Cynosura when placed amongst the stars as the constellation Ursa Minor.
"CYPRIAN" NAIADS (Naiades Kypriai) Naiads of the island of Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean.
"CYRENEAN" NYMPHS (Nymphai Kyrenaikai) Naiads of the Greek colony of Cyrene in Libya, North Africa.
CYRENE (1) (Kyrene) The Naiad nymph of the Greek colony of Cyrene in Libya, North Africa. She was carried off to that country from Thessaly in Greece by Apollon.
CYRENE (2) (Kyrene) A nymph of Thrace (north of Greece) loved by the god Ares.
"CYRTONIAN" NYMPHS (Nymphai Kyrtoniai) Naiads of the springs of the town of Cyrtones in Boeotia, central Greece.
DAEIRA The Oceanid nymph of the town of Eleusis in Attica, southern Greece. She was loved by the god Hermes.
DANAIS A Naiad nymph of the town of Pisa in Elis, southern Greece. She was loved by the Elean King Pelops.
DAPHNE A Naiad nymph of the River Ladon in Arcadia in the Peloponnese or the River Peneus in Thessaly, northern Greece. Daphne was loved by the god Apollo who pursued her relentlessly but she escaped his embrace by transforming into a laurel tree.
DAPHNIS An Oread nymph of Mount Parnassus in Phocis, central Greece. She was the prophetess of Gaea at Delphi before Apollo seized the shrine.
DAULIS The Naiad nymph of the town of Daulis in Boeotia, central Greece.
DEINO A Naiad nymph of the River Spercheus in Malis, northern Greece. She was the wife of the River-God Spercheus.
DELIADES Naiads of the springs of the River Inopus on the island of Delos in the Greek Aegean.
DERCETIS (Derketis) A Naiad nymph of Mount Cithaeron in Boeotia, central Greece. She ravished the Theban youth Lapithaon.
DERO One of the fifty Nereids.
DEXAMENE One of the fifty Nereids.
DIOGENEIA A Naiad nymph of Athens in Attica, southern Greece. She was the wife of the Athenian lord Phrasimus.
DIONE (1) One of the Oceanids. According to some she was the mother of Aphrodite by Zeus.
DIONE (2) An Atlantid nymph of Mount Tmolus in Lydia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was the wife of the impious king Tantalus.
DIONE (3) One of the fifty Nereids.
DIOPATRE A Naiad nymph of Mount Othrys in Malis, central Greece. She was loved by the god Poseidon who transformed her sisters into poplar trees during her seduction.
DIOXIPPE One of the Heliad nymphs who were transformed into amber-weeping poplar trees.
DIRCE (Dirke) The Naiad nymph of the spring Dirce on Mount Cithaeron in Boeotia, central Greece. She was transformed into a fountain by the god Dionysus after Amphion and Zethus had her killed by binding her to a wild bull.
DODONA (Dodone) The Oceanid nymph of the town of Dodona in Thesprotia, north-western Greece.
DODONIDES nymphs of the oracular shrine of Dodona.
DORIS (1) The Oceanid nymph wife of the sea-god Nereus and mother of the fifty Nereids. She was probably the goddess of the mixing of fresh water with the brine.
DORIS (2) One of the fifty Nereids.
DOTO One of the fifty Nereids.
DRIMO One of the Alcyonid nymphs of the Thracian Chersonese (north of Greece).
DRYOPE A Hamadryad or Naiad nymph of Mount Oeta in Malis, central Greece. She was originally a mortal princess who was seduced by Apollo in the guise of a tortoise. The Hamadryads of Mount Oeta transformed her into a nymph.
DYNAMENE One of the fifty Nereids.
EIDO A Haliad nymph daughter of the god Proteus. She was usually named Eidothea.
EIDOTHEA (1) A Haliad nymph daughter of the god Proteus.
EIDOTHEA (2) A Naiad Oread nymph of Mount Othrys in Malis, northern Greece who was loved by the god Poseidon.
EIDYIA The Oceanid nymph of the town of Colchis in Aea at the eastern end of the Black Sea (modern Georgia). She was the wife of King Aeetes.
EIONE One of the fifty Nereids.
ECHO (Ekho) An Oread nymph of Mount Helicon in Boeotia, central Greece, and the goddess of echoes. Hera cursed her with her echoing voice as punishment for distracting her while her husband Zeus consorted with nymphs.
"ELEAN" NAIAd (Naias Eleias) The Naiad nymph of the town of Elis in Elis, southern Greece. She was the wife of King Endymion.
ELECTRA (1) (Elektra) The Oceanid cloud-nymph representing the amber-tinge of storm clouds illuminated by the sun. She was the wife of the sea-god Thaumas and mother of Iris (Rainbow) and the Harpies.
ELECTRA (2) (Elektra) The Pleiad nymph of Mount Saon on the island of Samothrace in the Greek Aegean. She was loved by the god Zeus.
ENDEIS A nymph of Mount Pelion in Thessaly, northern Greece. She married Aeacus King of the southern Greek island of Aegina.
EPHYRA The Oceanid nymph of the town of Corinth on the Isthmus in southern Greece. She was the wife of the Titan Epimetheus.
ERASINIDES Four Naiads of the River Erasinos in Argolis in the Peloponnese. They were the attendants of the goddess Britomartis.
ERATO (1) A Dryad nymph of Mount Acacesium in Arcadia. She was a prophetess of the god Pan and wife of King Arcas.
ERATO (2) One of the Nysiades, nymphs of the mythical Mount Nysa. She was a nurse and one of the first Bacchantes of the god Dionysus.
ERATO (3) One of the fifty Nereids.
ERIPHIA One of the Nysiades, nymphs of the mythical Mount Nysa. She was a nurse and one of the first Bacchantes of the god Dionysus.
EUBOEA (1) (Euboia) The Naiad nymph of the town of Chalcis in Euboeia, central Greece. She was loved by the god Poseidon who abducted her to the island.
EUBOEA (2) (Euboia) One of the three Asterionides, nymphs of the River Asterion in Argolis in the Peloponnese. She was a nurse of the goddess Hera.
EUDORA (1) One of the five star-nymphs of the constellation Hyades. She was a nurse of the god Dionysus.
EUDORA (2) One of the Nysiades, nymphs of the mythical Mount Nysa. She was a nurse and one of the first Bacchantes of the god Dionysus.
EUDORA (3) One of the Oceanid nymphs.
EUDORA (4) One of the fifty Nereids.
EUKRANTE One of the fifty Nereids.
EULIMENE One of the fifty Nereids.
EUMOLPE One of the fifty Nereids.
EUNIKE One of the fifty Nereids.
EUPHEME A Naiad nymph of Mount Helicon in Boeotia, central Greece. She was the nurse of the Muses and a lover of the god Pan.
EUPOMPE One of the fifty Nereids.
EUROPA (1) (Europe) One of the Oceanid nymphs.
EUROPA (2) (Europe) An Egyptian Naiad nymph, daughter of the River Nile. She was the mother of fifty Danaids by King Danaus.
EURYNOME (1) One of the Oceanids. She was the mother of the Charites (Graces) by Zeus.
EURYNOME (2) One of the Oceanids. She was the wife of the elder Titan Ophion.
EURYRHOE A Naiad nymph of the Egyptian river Nile. She bore fifty sons, the Aegyptides, to King Aeigyptus of Egypt.
EUTHEMIA A nymph of the island of Cos in the Greek Aegean. She was struck down by the goddess Artemis.
EVADNE (Euadne) A Naiad nymph of the town of Argos in the Peloponnese. She was the wife of the eponymous King Argos.
EVAGORE (Euagore) One of the fifty Nereids.
EVARNE (Euarne) One of the fifty Nereids.
GALATEA (Galateia) One of the fifty Nereid nymphs. She was wooed by the Cyclops Polyphemus who slew her young lover Acis in a fit of jealousy.
GALAXAURA One of the Oceanid nymphs.
GALENE One of the fifty Nereids nymphs. She was the goddess of calm seas.
GARGAPHIA (Gargaphie) The Naiad nymph of the Gargaphian spring of Plataea in Boeotia, central Greece. She was usually named Plataea.
GLAUCE (1) (Glauke) A Naiad nymph of Mount Lycaeus in Arcadia in the Peloponnesose. She was one of nine Arcadian nurses of the god Zeus.
GLAUCE (2) (Glauke) One of the fifty Nereids.
GLAUCIA (Glaukia) A Naiad nymph of the River Scamander in the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was loved by the hero Deimachus, a companion of Heracles.
GLAUCONOME (Glaukonome) One of the fifty Nereids.
GORGYRA A nymph of the underworld. She was the mother of the daemon Ascalaphus by the infernal river Acheron.

HAGNO The Oceanid Naiad nymph of a spring on Mount Lycaeus in Arcadia, southern Greece. She was a nurse of the god Zeus.
HALIA (1) A Haliad nymph of the island of Rhodes in the Greek Aegean. She was loved by the god Poseidon, who after being violated by her own sons, threw herself into the sea.
HALIA (2) One of the fifty Nereids.
HALIMEDE One of the fifty Nereids.
HAMADRYAS The Dryad nymph of the oak tree. She was the mother of eight tree-specific Hamadryads by the forest-daemon Oxylus.
HAMADRYADES OTHREIDES Eight nymphs Dryades of Mount Othrys in Malis (nothern Greece). Each presided over a specific species of tree.
HARMONIA A Naiad nymph of the Acmonian wood in the land of the Amazons, in Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was loved by the god Ares and bore him the first of the Amazon queens.
HARPINA The Naiad nymph of the town of Pisa in Elis, southern Greece. She was loved by the god Ares.
HECAERGE (Hekaerge) One of the Hyperborean nymphs, handmaidens of the goddess Artemis, from the mythical northern land of Hyperborea.
HECATERIDES (Hekaterides) Five rustic nymphs of the country dance. They were mothers of the Oread nymphs, Satyrs and Curetes.
HEGETORIA A nymph of the island of Rhodes. She was the wife of the Rhodian King Ochimus.
HELIA (Helie) One of the Heliad nymphs who were transformed into amber-weeping poplar trees.
HELIADES Seven nymphs daughters of the sun-god Helius who were transformed into amber-weeping poplar trees following the death of the their brother Phaethon.
HELICE (Helike) One of the nymphs of Mount Ida on the island of Crete. She was a nurse of the god Zeus. Her original name was Ida but was changed to Helice when she was placed amongst the stars as the constellation Ursa Major.
HERCYNA (Herkyna) The Naiad nymph of the River Hercyna near Lebadea in Boeotia, central Greece. She was a companion of the goddess Persephone.
HEROPHILOS A nymph daughter of Poseidon and Aphrodite.
HESIONE The Oceanid nymph wife of the Titan Prometheus. She was also named Pronoea.
HESPERIA A Naiad nymph of the river Cebren in the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey). While being pursued by prince Aesacus of Troy, she stepped on a poisonous snake and died.
"HESPERIAN" NAIADS (Naiades Hesperiai) Naiads of the mythical far northern river Eridanis.
HIEROMNEME A Naiad nymph of Mount Ida in the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was the wife of the Dardanian prince Assaracus.
HIMALIA A nymph of the island of Rhodes in the Greek Aegean. She was seduced by the god Zeus.
"HIMERIAN" NAIADS (Naiades Himeriai) Naiads of the hot-water springs of the town of Himera in Sicily, southern Italy.
HIPPE An Argive Naiad nymph of the spring of Hippe.
HIPPO One of the Oceanid nymphs.
HIPPONOE One of the fifty Nereids.
HIPPOTHOE One of the fifty Nereids.
HYADES Five Atlantid star-nymphs of the constellation Hyades whose teary risings marked the beginnning of the Greek rainy season. They were also nurses of the god Dionysus.
HYALE One of the Oceanids in the retinue of the goddess Artemis.
HYDASPIDES Naiads of the River Hydaspes in north-western Indian (modern Kashmir). They were nurses of the god Zagreus.
"HYDE" The Naiad nymph of the town of Hyde (Sardis) in Lydia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was the wife of a local lord named Otrynteus.
"HYPERBOREAN" NYMPHS (Nymphai Hyperboreiai) Three nymphs of the mythical northern land of Hyperborea who journed to the island of the Delos with offerings for the goddess Artemis and became her handmaidens.
HYPEREIA One of the Inachides. She was the Naiad nymph of a spring in the town of Argos, in the Peloponnese.
IACHE (Iakhe) One of the Oceanid nymphs.
IAERA (Iaira) One of the fifty Nereids.
IANASSA One of the fifty Nereids.
IANEIRA (1) One of the Oceanid nymphs.
IANEIRA (2) One of the fifty Nereids.
IANTHE One of the Oceanid nymphs.
IASIS One of the Ionides, Naiads of the healing springs of the River Kytheros in Elis, the Peloponnesos, southern Greece.
IDA (Ide) One of the nymphs of Mount Ida on the island of Crete in the Greek Aegean. She was a nurse of the god Zeus.
IDAEA (Idaia) A Naiad nymph of Mount Ida in the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was the wife of the River-God Scamander.
"IDAEAN" NYMPHS (Nymphai Idaiai) Two nymphs of Mount Ida on the island of Crete in the Greek Aegean. They were nurses of the god Zeus who were placed amongst the stars as the constellations Ursa Major and Minor.
IDOTHEA One of the nymphs of Mount Ida on the island of Crete in the Greek Aegean. She was a nurse of the god Zeus.
IDYIA The Oceanid nymph of the town of Colchis in Aea on the Black Sea (modern Georgia). She was the wife of King Aeetes.
INACHIDES (Inakhides) Naiads of the river Inachus and the springs of Argolis in the Peloponnese.
IO A Naiad of the River Inachus in Argolis, southern Greece. She was loved by the god Zeus who disguised her as a heifer to avoid discovery by the jealous Hera. The goddess saw through the ploy and plagued her with a gladfly forcing her to wander all the way to Egypt.
IONE One of the fifty Nereids.
IONIDES Four Naiads of the springs of the River Cytherus in Elis, southern Greece. Their waters were believed to cure aches and pains.
ISMENE (1) The Naiad nymph of the Ismenian spring of Thebes, Boeotia, central Greece. She was the wife of the Argive King Argos. Her descendant Cadmus founded the city of Thebes.
ISMENE (2) The Oceanid and Naiad nymph of the Ismenian spring of Thebes in Boeotia, central Greece. She was loved by the god Apollo. Ismene was usually named Melia.
ISMENIS A Naiad nymph of the River Ismenus of Boeotia, central Greece. She was loved by the god Pan.
"ITHACAN" NAIADS (Naiades Ithakiai) Naiads of the springs of sacred caves on the island of Ithaca in the Ionian Sea, central Greece.
IYNX An Oread nymph of Boeotia, in central Greece. She seduced the god Zeus with the aide of magical love charms and as punishment for her presumption was transformed by Hera into a wryneck bird.
"LADONIDES" Naiads of the River Ladon in Arcadia in Peloponnese.
LAMIDES Naiads of the River Lamos in Cilicia, Anatolia (modern Turkey), or Boeotia in central Greece. They were nurses of the god Dionysus and his first Bacchante followers.
LAMPETIA (1) A nymph daughter of the sun-god Helius who tended sacred flocks on the mythical island of Thrinacia.
LAMPETIA (2) One of the Heliad nymphs who were transformed into amber-weeping poplar trees.
LANGIA The Naiad nymph of the springs of the town of Nemea in Argolis, southern Greece.
LAOMEDEIA One of the fifty Nereids.
"LATIN" NAIADS (Naiades Latiniai) Naiads of the rivers, springs and fountains of Latium--the Roman kingdom--in central Italy.
LEAGORE One of the fifty Nereids.
LEIBETHRIDES (Leibethrides) Naiads of the springs of Mounts Helicon and Librethrius in Boeotia, central Greece.
LELEGEIDES (Nymphai Lelegeides) Naiads of the region of Lycia in Anatolia (modern Turkey). They transformed the Miletian princess Byblis into a spring.
LEUCE (Leuke) An Oceanid nymph who was abducted by the god Hades to Elysium where she was transformed into a white poplar tree.
LEUCIPPE (Leukippe) One of the Oceanid nymphs.
LIBRETHIAS One of the Leibrethrides, Naiads of the springs of Mount Librethrius in Boeotia, central Greece.
LIBYA (1) The goddess nymph of north Africa. She was a daughter of Epaphos (the Egyptian bull-god Apis) loved by Poseidon.
LIBYA (2) One of the Oceanid nymphs.
LIBYES TIMEOROI Three goddess-nymphs protectors of the region of Lake Tritonis in Libya, North Africa.
LILAEA (Lilaia) The Naiad nymph of the town of Lilaea in Phocis, central Greece.
LIMNAEE (Limnaie) The Naiad nymph of an Indian lake.
LIMNOREIA One of the fifty Nereids.
LIRIOPE A Naiad or Anthusa flower-nymph of Phocis in central Greece. She was the wife of the River-God Cephisus.
LOTIS A Naiad nymph of Mount Othrys in Malis, northern Greece. She fled the amorous attentions of the god Priapus and was transformed into a lotus tree.
"LYCAEAN" NYMPHS (Nympahi Lykaiai) Nine Oceanid nymphs, Naiads and Dryades of Mount Lycaeus in Arcadia in the Peloponnese. They were nurses of the god Zeus.
LYSIANASSA One of the fifty Nereids.
MACRIS (Makris) A nymph of the island of Euboea in central Greece. She was a nurse of the god Dionysus.
MAERA (1) (Maira) The star-nymph of the dog-star Sirius She was the wife of Tegeates, eponymous-king of Tegea in Arcadia, southern Greece.
MAERA (2) (Maira) One of the Naiads of the River Erasinos in Argolis in the Peloponnese. She was an attendant of the goddess Britomartis.
MAERA (3) (Maira) One of the fifty Nereids.
MAIA The Pleiad nymph of Mount Cyllene in Arcadia, southern Greece. She was the mother of the god Hermes by Zeus.
MELAENA (Melaine) A Naiad nymph of the springs of Delphi in Phocis, southern Greece. She was loved by the god Apollo.
MELANIPPE A nymph of Mount Pelion in Thessaly, northern Greece. She was a daughter of the centaur Chiron who was transformed into a mare by the gods.
MELIA (1) An Oceanid Naiad nymph of Argolis in southern Greece or Thebes in central Greece). She was the wife of the river-god Inachus.
MELIA (2) The Oceanid and Naiad nymph of the Ismenian spring of Thebes in Boeotia, central Greece. She was loved by the god Apollon who slew her brother Caanthus in the contest for her love.
MELIA (3) The Naiad nymph of the Malean peninsular in Lacedaemonia, southern Greece. She was the wife of the god Silenus.
MELIA (4) The Oceanid and Naiad nymph of the town of the Bebryces in eastern Bithynia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was loved by the god Poseidon.
MELIA (5) The Naiad nymph of the town of Cius in Bithynia, Anatolia. She was loved by the god Silenus.
MELIA (6) The Naiad nymph of the main town of the island of Ceos in the Greek Aegean. She was loved by the god Apollon.
MELIAE (Meliai) Dryad nymphs of the mountain ash-tree and honey-sap. They were born from the blood of the castrated Uranus that spilt upon the earth. The Meliae were mothers of the Bronze Race of Man.
"MELIAN" NYMPHS (Nymphai Meliai) Naiads of the island of Melos in the Greek Aegean who were turned into frogs by Zeus as punishment for burying the body of the blasphemous Euphorion.
MELIBOEA (1) (Meliboia) An Oceanid nymph of Arcadia in southern Greece. She was the wife of King Pelasgus.
MELIBOEA (2) (Meliboia) An Oceanid nymph of Syria in western Asia. She was loved by the River-God Orontes.
MELITE (1) A Naiad nymph of the mythical island of the Phaeacians (sometimes identified with Corcyra). She was loved by the hero Heracles.
MELITE (2) One of the Naiads of the River Erasinus in Argolis in the Peloponnese. She was an attendant of the goddess Britomartis.
MELITE (3) One of the Oceanid nymphs.
MELITE (4) One of the fifty Nereids.
MELOBOSIS One of the Oceanid nymphs.
MEMPHIS The Naiad nymph of the city of Memphis in Egypt, North Africa. She was the wife of King Epaphus.
MENESTHO One of the Oceanid nymphs.
MENIPPE (1) A Naiad nymph of the River Peneus in Thessaly, northern Greece. She was the wife of Pelasgus whose son Phrastor emigrated to Tyrrhenia in Italy.
MENIPPE (2) One of the Coronides, nymphs of Boeotia in central Greece. She and her sister were transformed itno a pair of comets.
MENIPPE (3) One of the fifty Nereids.
MEROPE (1) The Pleiad nymph of the town of Corinth in southern Greece. She was wife of the wicked king Sisyphus.
MEROPE (2) The Oceanid nymph mother of Phaethon by the sun-god Helius. She was usually named Clymene.
MEROPE (3) One of the Heliad nymphs who were transformed into amber-weeping poplar trees.
MESSEIS One of the Inachides. She was the Naiad nymph of a spring in the town of Argos in the Peloponnese.
METHE The Maenad nymph of drunkenness. She was the wife of King Staphylus.
METHONE (1) The Naiad nymph of the town of Methone in Pieria, Macedonia, northern Greece. She was the wife of the eponymous King Pierus.
METHONE (2) One of the Alcyonides. She was the eponymous nymph of the town of Methone in Pieria, Macedonia, northern Greece.
METIOCHE (Metiokhe) One of the Coronides nymphs of Boeotia in central Greece. She and her sister were transformed itno a pair of comets.
METIS (1) An Oceanid nymph loved by the god Zeus. He swallowed her whole when he learned that she was destined to bear a son greater than his father. She gave birth to Athena within the belly of the god.
METIS (2) A Naiad nymph of the River Meles near Smyrna in Lydia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was the mother of the poet Homer by Maion.
METOPE The Naiad nymph of the spring of Metope near Stymphalos in eastern Arcadia. She was the wife of the Sikyonian River-God Asopos.
MIDEIA The Naiad nymph of the town of Aspledon in Boeotia, central Greece. She was loved by the god Poseidon.
MINTHE A Naiad nymph of Mount Minthe in Elis, southern Greece. She was loved by the god Hades but as punishment her boasts was transformed by Persephone or Demeter into a mint-plant.
MOREA One of the eight Hamadryad nymphs. Her plant was the mulberry tree.
MORIA A Naiad nymph of the River Hermos in Lydia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). When her brother Tylos was slain by a Dragon she discovered a herb that restored him to life.
MYCALESSIDES (Mykalessides) Naiads and Oreads of Mount Mycale in Caria, Anatolia (modern Turkey).
MYCENE (Mykene) The Naiad nymph of the town of Mycenae in Argolis, southern Greece. She was the wife of King Arestor.
MYRTOESSA The Naiad nymph of a well in the town of Megalopolis in Arcadia, southern Greece.
"MYSIAN" NAIADS (Naiades Mysiai) Naiads of the springs of the Lake Ascanius in Bithynia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). The abducted the handsome youth Hylas when he came to collect water from their spring.
MYSTIS A Maenad nymph of the island of Euboea in central Greece. She was a nurse of the god Dionysus.
NACOLE (Nakole) The Naiad nymph of the town of Nacoleia in Phrygia, Anatolia (modern Turkey).
NAIS The Naiad nymph of the town of Pyrrhichus in Lacedaemonia, southern Greece. She was the wife of the god Silenus.
NANA A Naiad nymph of the River Sangarius in Phrygia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was impregnated by a nut which fell from a tree grown from the severed genitals of the daemon Agdistis.
NAUSITHOE One of the fifty Nereids.
"NAXIAN" NYMPHS (Nymphai Naxiai) Three Naiads of Mount Drios on the island of Naxos in the Greek Aegean. They were nurses of the god Dionysus.
NEAERA (1) (Neaira) A nymph of the island of the mythical island of Thrinacia loved by the sun-god Helius.
NEAERA (2) (Neaira) A Naiad nymph of Edonia in Thrace, north of Greece. She was the wife of the River-God Strymon.
NEAERA (3) (Neaira) A Naiad nymph of Mount Sipylus in Lydia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was loved by the Lydian prince Theiodamas.
"NEAERIDES" (Neaireides) Two nymph daughters of the sun-god Helius who tended his herds of sheep and cattle on the mythical island of Thrinacia.
NEDA The Oceanid and Naiad nymph of the River Neda in Arcadia, southern Greece. She was a nurse of the god Zeus.
NEMEA (2) The Naiad nymph of the town of Nemea in Argos, southern Greece.
NEMERTES One of the fifty Nereids.
NEOMERIS One of the fifty Nereids.
NEPHELE (1) A nymph formed by Zeus out of the clouds in the shape of the goddess Hera. She was raped by the impious King Ixion and spawned the tribe of Centaurs.
NEPHELE (2) A nymph of Athamantia in Boeotia, central Greece. She was the wife of King Athamas who sent the flying, golden-fleeced ram to rescue her children when their stepmother conspired to have them sacrificed.
NEPHELE (3) One of the Oceanids in the retinue of the goddess Artemis.
NESAIE One of the fifty Nereids.
NESO One of the fifty Nereids.
NICAEA (Nikaia) The Naiad nymph of the town of Nicaea in Bithynia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was raped by the god Dionysus.
NOMIA A nymph of Mount Nomia in Arcadia, southern Greece. She was the wife of King Lycaon.
NONACRIS (Nonakris) The Naiad nymph of the town of Nonacris in Arcadia, southern Greece. She was the wife of King Lycaon.
"NYMPHAEIDES" (Nymphaiides) Naiads of the River Nymphaeus in Paphlagonia, Anatolia (modern Turkey).
NYSA One of the Nysiades, nymphs of the mythical Mount Nysa. She was a nurse and one of the first Bacchantes of the god Dionysus.

NYSIADES Three, five or six Oceanid nymphs of mythical Mount Nysa. They were nurses of the god Dionysus.
OCYRHOE (1) (Ocyrhoe) A Naiad nymph of the River Imbrasus on the island of Samos. She was raped by the god Apollo who transformed the fisherman Pompilus into a pilot-fish when he attempted to rescue her.
OCYRHOE (2) (Ocyrhoe) A Naiad nymph of the River Sangarius of Phrygia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was loved by the local prince Hippomedon.
OCYRHOE (3) (Ocyrhoe) A Naiad nymph of Colchis at the eastern end of the Black Sea (modern Georgia) who was loved by the sun-god Helius.
OCYRHOE (4) (Ocyrhoe) A Naiad nymph of the River Caecus in Teuthrania, southern Mysia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was loved by the god Hermes.
OCYRHOE (5) (Ocyrhoe) A prophetic nymph of Mount Pelion in Thessaly, northern Greece. She was usually named Melanippe.
OCYRHOE (6) (Ocyrhoe) One of the Oceanid nymphs.
OENOE (1) (Oinoe) The Naiad nymph of the main town of the island of Sikinos in the Greek Aegean. She was the wife of King Thoas.
OENOE (2) (Oinoe) A Naiad nymph of Mount Lykaios in Arcadia, southern Greece. She was one of nine Arcadian nurses of the god Zeus.
OENONE (Oinone) A Naiad nymph of Mount Ida in the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was the first wife of Prince Paris, whom he abandoned for the love of Helene. She refused to heal him when he had been wounded in the Trojan War, and following his death, killed herself in grief.
OEOLYKA (Oiolyka) A Haliad nymph daughter of the hundred-handed giant Briareus.
OEROE The Naiad nymph of the stream Oeroe of Plataeia in Boeotia, central Greece. She was usually named Plataea.
"OGYGIAN" NYMPHS (Nymphai Ogygiai) Four Naiads of the mythical island of Ogygus. They were handmaidens of the goddess nymph Calypso.
OPIS One of the Hyperborean nymphs, handmaidens of the goddess Artemis, from the mythical northern land of Hyperborea. The name is usually spelt Oupis.
ORITHYIA (1) (Oreithyia) A nymph of Mount Haemus in Thrace, north of Greece. She was an Athenian princess who was carried off by the god Boreas to be his immortal wife. She was probably a goddess of chill, mountain winds.
ORITHYIA (2) (Oreithyia) A nymph of Mount Lebanon in Phoenicia, west Asia. She was loved by King Belus.
ORITHYIA (3) (Oreithyia) One of the fifty Nereids.
ORNEA The Naiad nymph of the town of Orneae in Sicyonia, southern Greece.
ORPHNE A nymph of the underworld. She was the mother of the daemon Ascalaphus by the infernal river Acheron.
ORSEIS A Naiad nymph of the region of Thessaly in northern Greece. She was the wife of King Hellen, eponym of the Hellenes (Greeks).
ORTYGIA The Naiad nymph of the sacred Ortygian grove near Ephesus in Lycia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was the nurse of the god Apollo.
"ORTYGIAN" NYMPHS (Nymphai Ortygiai) Naiads of the springs of Syracuse and the island of Ortygia by Sicily, southern Italy.
OTHREIS A nymph of Mount Othrys in Malis, northern Greece. She was loved by the gods Zeus and Apollo.
OUPIS One of the Hyperborean nymphs, handmaidens of the goddess Artemis, from the mythical northern land of Hyperborea.
OZOMENE The Oceanid nymph mother of Iris (Rainbow) and the Harpies. She was usually named EleCtra.
"PACTOLIDES" (Paktolides) Naiads of the River Pactolus in Lydia, Anatolia (modern Turkey).
PALLAS A nymph of the salt-lake Tritonis in Libya, North Africa. She was a childhood companion of the goddess Athena who was accidentally killed during their war games.
PALLENE One of the Alcyonid nymphs. She was the eponymous nymph of the peninsular of Pallene in the Thracian Chersonese (north of Greece).
PANOPEIA One of the fifty Nereids.
PAREGORON One of the Oceanids. She was the spirit of soothing words.
PAREIA The Naiad nymph of the main town of the island of Paros in the Greek Aegean. She was loved by King Minos of Crete.
"PARTHENIA" NAIAD (Naias Parthenia) A Naiad nymph of the River Parthenius in Bithynia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was loved by a local prince named Agamestor.
PASITHEA One of the fifty Nereids.
PASITHOE One of the Oceanid nymphs.
PEDILE One of the Nysiades, nymphs of the mythical Mount Nysa. She was a nurse and one of the first Bacchantes of the god Dionysus.
PEGAEA (Pegaia) One of the Ionides, Naiads of the healing springs of the River Cytherus in Elis in the Peloponnese.
PEGASIS The Naiad nymph of a spring of the River Grenicus in the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was loved by the Trojan prince Emathion.
PEIRENE The Naiad nymph of the spring Peirene in the town of Corinth, southern Greece. She was loved by the god Poseidon.
PEITHO One of the Oceanids. She was the personified spirit of persuasive and seductive words.
PELIONIDES Naiads of the springs of Mount Pelion in Thessaly, northern Greece. They were nurses of the Centaurs.
PENELOPEIA A Dryad nymph of Mount Cyllene in Arcadia, southern Greece. She was the mother of the god Pan by Hermes.
PERIBOEA (1) (Periboia) The Oceanid nymph wife of the Titan Lelantus and mother of the goddess Aura.
PERIBOEA (2) (Periboia) A Naiad nymph of the region of Lacedaemonia in southern Greece. She was the wife of the prince Icarius.
PERO A Naiad nymph of the region of Sicyonia in southern Greece. She bore Poseidon the lame River-God Asopus. Pero was also named Celusa.
PERSE An Oceanid nymph of Persia loved by the sun-god Helius. She was usually named Perseis.
PERSEIS An Oceanid nymph of Persia loved by the sun-god Helius. She was the mother of the witches Aeetes, Pasiphae and Circe.
PETRA One of the Leibrethrides, Naiad nymphs of the springs of Mount Librethrius in Boeotia, central Greece.
PETRAIE One of the Oceanid nymphs.
PEUCE (Peuke) The Naiad nymph of the island of Peuce at the mouth of the River Ister (the Danube) in western Scythia (modern Romania).
PHAENO (Phaino) One of the Oceanid nymphs.
PHAEO (Phaio) One of the five star-nymphs of the constellation Hyades. She was a nurse of the god Dionysus.
PHAESYLE (Phaisyle) One of the five star-nymphs of the constellation Hyades. She was a nurse of the god Dionysus.
PHAETHONIDES Seven nymphs daughters of the sun-god Helius who were transformed into amber-weeping poplar trees after the death of the their brother Phaethon. They were usually named Heliades.
PHAETHUSA (Phaethousa) A nymph daughter of the sun-god Helius who tended his sacred cattle-herds on the mythical island of Thrinacia.
PHARMACIA (Pharmakeia) The Naiad nymph of a poisonous spring near Athens in Attica, southern Greece.
"PHASEIDES" Naiads of the streams and marshes of the River Phasis in Colchis at the eatern end of the Black Sea.
PHERUSA (Pherousa) One of the fifty Nereids.
PHIALE One of the Oceanid companions of the goddess Artemis.
PHIGALIA A Dryad nymph of the town of Phigalia in Arcadia, southern Greece.
PHILIA One of the Naiads of Mount Drios on the island of Naxos in the Greek Aegean. She was a nurse of the god Dionysus.
PHILODICE (Philodike) An Argive Naiad and wife of Leucippus king of Messenia.
PHILYRA (Philyre) An Oceanid nymph of Mount Pelion in Thessaly, northern Greece. She was loved by the Titan Cronus who turned her into a horse when their tryst was interrupted by his wife. She gave birth to the Centaur Chiron.
PHOEBE (1) (Phoibe) A Hamadryad nymph of Libya in North Africa. She was one of the many wives of King Danaus.
PHOEBE (2) (Phoibe) One of the Heliad nymphs who were transformed into amber-weeping poplar trees.
PHOSTHONIA One of the Alcyonid nymphs of the Thracian Chersonese(north of Greece).
PHRIXA A Naiad nymph of Mount Lycaeus in Arcadia in the Peloponnese. She was one of nine Arcadian nurses of the god Zeus.
PHYSADEIA An Argive Naiad and goddess of the spring of Physadeia.
PHYTO One of the Nysiades, nymphs of the mythical Mount Nysa. She was a nurse and one of the first Bacchantes of the god Dionysus.
PIERIDES Naiads of the springs of Mount Pierus in Pieria, Macedonia, north of Greece.
PITANE The Naiad nymph of the town of Pitane in Lacedaemonia, southern Greece. She was loved by the god Poseidon.
PITYS An Oread nymph of Arcadia in southern Greece. She was transformed into a pine tree as she fled the lascivious pursuit of the god Pan.
PLATAEA (Plataia) The Naiad nymph of the Gargaphian spring of Plataea in Boeotia, central Greece. She was abducted to the region by the god Zeus.
PLEIADES Seven star-nymphs daughters of the Titan Atlas who were transformed into constellation Pleiades.
PLEIONE The Oceanid nymph of Mount Cyllene in Arcadia. She was the wife of the Titan Atlas and mother of the nymphs Pleiades and Hyades.
PLEXAURE (1) One of the Oceanid nymphs.
PLEXAURE (2) One of the fifty Nereids.
PLOTO One of the fifty Nereids.
PLUTO (1) (Plouto) A nymph of Mount Sipylus in Lydia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was the mother of the impious king Tantalus by Zeus.
PLUTO (2) (Plouto) One of the Oceanid nymphs.
POLYDORA (1) A Danaid and Naiad nymph. She was the wife of the River Spercheus in Malis, northern Greece.
POLYDORA (2) One of the Oceanid nymphs.
POLYHYMNO One of the Nysiades, nymphs of the mythical Mount Nysa. She was a nurse and one of the first Bacchantes of the god Dionysus.
POLYNOME One of the fifty Nereids.
POLYPHE The Oceanid nymph mother of the goddess Athena Hippeia by Poseidon.
POLYXO (1) One of the five star nymphs of the constellation Hyades. She was a nurse of the god Dionysus.
POLYXO (2) One of the Nysiades, nymphs of the mythical Mount Nysa. She was a nurse and one of the first Bacchantes of the god Dionysus.
POLYXO (3) A Naiad nymph of the River Nile in Egypt. She was one of the many wives of King Danaus.
PONTOMEDUSA (Pontomedousa) One of the fifty Nereids.
PONTOPOREIA One of the fifty Nereids.
POULYNOE One of the fifty Nereids.
PRAXITHEA A Naiad nymph of the city of Athens in Attica, southern Greece. She was the wife of King Erektheus.
PRONOE One of the fifty Nereids.
PRONOEA (Pronoia) An Oceanid nymph of Mount Parnassus in Phocis, central Greece. She was the wife of the Titan Prometheus.
PROSYMNA One of the three Asterionides, nymphs of the River Asterion in Argolis in the Peloponnese. She was a nurse of the goddess Hera.
PROTO One of the fifty Nereids.
PROTOMEDEIA One of the fifty Nereids.
PRYMNO One of the Oceanid nymphs.
PSALACANTHA (Psalakantha) A nymph of the island of Icaria in the Greek Aegean. She was spurned by the god Dionysus and so tried to dissuade Ariadne from consorting with the god. As punishment he transormed her into the plany-plant.
PSAMATHE One of the fifty Nereids. She was the wife of the sea-god Proteus and loved by King Aeacus of AEgina.
PSANIS The Naiad nymph of an Arcadian spring. She may have been the wife of the River Ladon.
PSECAS (Psekas) One of the Oceanids in the retinue of the goddess Artemis.
PTELEA One of the eight Hamadryad nymphs. Her tree was the elm.
RHANIS One of the Oceanid nymph companions of the goddess Artemis.
RHENE A nymph of the island of Samothrace in the Greek Aegean. She was loved by the god Hermes (or perhaps Zeus).
RHETIA A nymph of the island of Samothrace in the Greek Aegean. She was the mother of the Samothracian Corybantes by Apollo.
RHODE The Haliad nymph of the island of Rhodes in the Greek Aegean. She was the wife of the sun-god Helius.
RHODEIA One of the Oceanid nymphs.
RHODOPE (1) A Naiad nymph of Ciconia in Thrace, north of Greece. She and her arrogant husband Haemus were transformed into mountains as punishment for pretending to be Zeus and Hera.
RHODOPE (2) One of the Oceanid nymphs.
RHODOS The Haliad nymph of the island of Rhodes in the Greek Aegean. She was usually named Rhode.
RHOEO (Rhoio) A Naiad nymph of the town of Troy in the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was the wife of the Trojan King Laomedon. She was usually named Strymo.
"RHYNDACIDES" (Rhyndakides) Naiads of the springs of the River Rhyndacus in Mysia, Anatolia (modern Turkey).
SAGARITIS A Naiad and Hamadryad nymph of the River Sangarius in Phrygia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She had an affair with Attis, consort of Cybele, and the goddess felled her tree in retribution.
SALAMIS The Naiad nymph of the main town of the island of Salamis in southern Greece. She was abducted to the island by the god Poseidon.
SALMACIS (Salmakis) The Naiad nymph of the spring Salmacis of the town of Halicarnassus in Caria, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She fell in love with the boy Hermaphroditus and prayed to the gods to be with him forever. The gods then merged their forms to create the first hermaphrodite.
SAMIA The Naiad nymph of the main town of the island of Samos in the Greek Aegean. She was the wife of the island's first king Ancaeus.
SAO One of the fifty Nereids.
"SATNIOEIAN" NAIAD (Naias Satnioeis) An unnamed Naiad nymph of the River Satnioeis in the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was loved by the Dardanian prince Enops.
SCYLLA (Skylla) A Sicilian sea-nymph who was transformed into a monster by the witch Circe.
"SERIPHIAN" NAIAD (Naias Seriphia) An unnamed Naiad of the island of Seriphos in the Greek Aegean. She was loved by King Magnes of Magnesia but emigrated with her two sons to the island.
SINOE An Oread nymph of Mount Sinoe in Arcadia, southern Greece. She was the nurse of the god Pan.
SINOPE The Naiad nymph of the Greek colony of Sinope in Assyria on the Black Sea, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was carried off to the land by Zeus but had him swear an oath to protect her virginity. The River-God Halys and Apollo also failed to win her.
SIRENS (Seirenes) Three Naiad nymph companions of Persephone. Demeter gave them the bodies of birds to help with the search for her abducted daughter. They failed in this endeavour and settled on the island of Anthemoessa where they lured passing sailors to their deaths with an irresistable song.
SITHNIDES Naiads of the fountain of the town of Megara in Attica, southern Greece.
SOSE A prophetic Oread nymph of the region of Arcadia in southern Greece. She was the mother of the god Pan by Hermes.
SPARTA (Sparte) The Naiad nymph of the town of Sparta in Lacedaemonia, southern Greece. She was the wife of King Lacedaemon.
SPEIO One of the fifty Nereids.
"SPERCHEIDES" (Sperkheides) Naiads of the springs of the River Spercheus on Mount Othrys in Malis, central Greece.
SPHRAGITIDES Naiad or Oread nymphs of a cavern oracle on Mount Cithaeron in Attica, southern Greece.
STEROPE A Pleiad nymph of Pisa in Elis, southern Greece. She was loved by the god Ares.
STILBE The Naiad nymph of the main town of the Lapithae in Thessaly, northern Greece. She was loved by the god Apollo.
STROPHIA The Naiad nymph of a spring on Mount Cithaeron in Boeotia, central Greece.
STRYMO A Naiad nymph of the town of Troy in the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was the wife of the Trojan King Laomedon.
STYX The Oceanid nymph and goddess of the underworld river Styx. She was also the goddess of the Arcadian stream (southern Greece) of the same name.
SYCE (Syke) One of the eight Hamadryad nymphs. Her tree was the fig.
SYLLIS The Naiad nymph of the town of Sicyon in Sicyonia, southern Greece. She was loved by the god Apollo.
SYMAETHIS (Symaithis) A Naiad nymph of the River Symaethus in Sicily, southern Italy. She was loved by the god Pan.
SYNALLASIS One of the Ionides, Naiads of the healing springs of the River Cytherus in Elis in the Peloponnese.
SYRINX A Naiad nymph of the River Ladon in Arcadia, southern Greece. She was transformed into a stand of river-reeds during the lascivious pursuit of the god Pan.
TANAGRA The Naiad nymph of the town of Tanagra in Boeotia, central Greece. Hermes defeated Ares in a boxing match in a contest for her love.
TAYGETA (Taygete) The Pleiad nymph of the Taygetus Mountains in Lacedaemonia, southern Greece. She was loved by the god Zeus.
TELEDICE (Teledike) A nymph of the region Argolis in southern Greece. She was the wife of the early king Phoroneus.
TELESTO One of the Oceanid nymphs. She was perhaps the personified spirit of success.
TELPHUSA (Telphousa) The Naiad nymph of the Telphusian spring of Mount Helicon in Boeotia, central Greece. Apollo burried her waters beneath rocks as punishment for trying to trick him into building his temple elsewhere.
TEREINE A Naiad nymph of the River Strymon in Triballi in Thrace, north of Greece. She was loved by the god Ares.
THALIA (1) (Thaleia) A nymph of Mount Etna in Sicily, southern Italy. She was loved byZeus and requested he hide her inside the earth to avoid the jealous wrath of the goddess Hera. There she gave birth to Palici, Sicilian geyser-gods.
THALIA (2) (Thaleia) One of the fifty Nereids.
THEBE The Naiad nymph of the town of Thebes in Boeotia, central Greece. She was abducted to the site of the town by the god Zeus.
THEISOA The Oceanid and Naiad nymph of the springs of the town of Theisoa in Arcadia, southern Greece. She was one of the nurses of the god Zeus.
THELPUSA (Thelpousa) The Naiad nymph of the town of Thelpusa in Arcadia, southern Greece.
"THEMEIDES" Three nymphs daughters of Zeus and Themis who were the keepers of various artifacts of the gods.
THEMIS An Arcadian Naiad who was the mother of Evander by Hermes. She was usually named Carmentis.
THEMISTO One of the fifty Nereids.
THEONOE A Haliad nymph daughter of the god Proteus. She was usually named Eidothea.
THERO The Naiad nymph of the town of Therapne in Lacedaemonia, southern Greece. She was the nurse of the god Ares.
THESPIA The Naiad nymph of the town of Thespiae in Boeotia, central Greece. She was loved by the god Apollo.
THESSALIDES Naiad nymphs of the River Peneus in Thessaly, northern Greece.
THETIS The goddess-nymph leader of the Nereids. She was wooed by both Zeus and Poseidon but when it was revealed that she was destined to bear a son greater than his father, the gods married her to the mortal Peleus.
THISBE The Naiad nymph of the village of Thisbe in Boeotia, central Greece.
THOE (1) One of the Oceanid nymphs.
THOE (2) One of the fifty Nereids.
THOOSA A Haliad nymph loved by the god Poseidon. She bore him the Cyclops Polyphemus.
THRASSA A nymph of the Triballi tribe of Thrace, north of Greece. She was the wife of King Hipponous.
THRIAE (Thriai) Prophetic nymphs of Mount Parnassus in Phocis, central Greece. They were minor goddesses of divination by pebbles and birds of omen which the god Apollo gifted to his brother Hermes.
THRONIA (Thronie) The Naiad nymph of the town of Abdera in Bistonia in Thrace, north of Greece. She was loved by the god Poseidon.
THYIA A Naiad nymph of the shrine of Delphi in Phocis, central Greece. She was loved by the god Apollo.
THYMBRIS A prophetic nymph of Arcadia in the Peloponnese. She was the mother of the god Pan by Zeus.
THYSA The Maenad nymph of the frenzied orgies of Dionysus.
TIASA The Naiad nymph of the Tiasa stream in Lacedaemonia, southern Greece.
TITHOREA The Dryad nymph of the town of Tithorea in Phocis, central Greece.
TRITEIA A Haliad nymph of the town of Triteia in Achaea, southern Greece. She was loved by the god Ares.
TRITONIS The Haliad nymph of the salt-water lake Tritonis in Libya, north Africa. She was loved by the god Poseidon and also married the Libyan king Amphithemis.
TROJAN NAIADS (Naiades Troiades) Naiad nymphs of the rivers of Troy in the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey).
TYCHE (Tykhe) One of the Oceanids. She was the spirit personification of good fortune.
URANIA (Ourania) One of the Oceanid nymphs.
XANTHE One of the Oceanid nymphs.
ZEUXIPPE A Naiad nymph of the River Eridanus near Athens in Attica, southern Greece. She was loved by the Athenian lord Teleon.
ZEUXO One of the Oceanid nymphs.