Museum Collection | British Museum, London |
Catalogue No. | London 1971,1101.1 |
Beazley Archive No. | 350099 |
Ware | Attic Black Figure |
Shape | Dinos |
Painter | Signed by Sophilos |
Date | ca. 580 - 570 B.C. |
Period | Archaic |
Detail of the Nymphs, Themis, Chiron, Hebe and Dionysus from a painting depicting the procession of gods attending the wedding of Peleus and Thetis.
Dionysus the god of wine, Hebe cupbearer of the gods, the immortal centaur Chiron, Themis councillor of Zeus and their three Nymph daughters follow in procession. Themis holds a sceptre, Chiron bears a branch hung with the bounty of the hunt--hares and a deer--, and Dionysus carries a vine. The centaur is clothed in a short chiton and is depicted with the full body of man, including legs and feet, with the torso and rear legs of a horse attached to his rump.
The gods depicted in this part of the scene preside over the wedding feast--Dionysus and Hebe provide wine, Chiron brings meat, and Themis and her daughters (the Nymphs as well as the Horae following them) serve the food and drink.

Detail of the Centaur Chiron.
Chiron, Hebe, Dionysus, Themis, Nymphs of Themis